Friday, August 28, 2015

VOD: Gracious Words

“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”
Proverbs 16:24 NIV

Recently, I took a trip to the San Francisco Bay Area to visit family, namely cousins with whom we grew up and spent many a summer. 

I recalled fondest memories of learning to swim, dancing, playing games and laughing very loudly and enjoying each other's company.

Through the years we've always kept in touch and stayed connected via social media, email and text messages (what would we do without our electronic devices?), even meeting new cousins and getting along as though we've known each other for decades!

One thing is for certain that no matter how many weeks, months or years go by before reconnecting again or seeing each other face-to-face, the exchange of endearing terms, words of encouragement and accolades for one's accomplishments are ALWAYS spoken with the deepest sincerity. We truly TRULY love each other very much. 

This trip was packed with healing power for me so desperately needed from the minute we stepped foot off the plane to the rapid-fire barrage of play-by-play text messages received from our cousins who were on their way to the airport to collect us all. When at last we reunited, the heartfelt welcome greetings and hugs met our eager countenances!

Reminiscing through childhood memories, experiencing new adventures and creating memorable moments today (and this is just Day 1 of our mini-vacation) were just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. 

The take away for me today: the spoken gracious words from my cousins and my aunt were so heartwarming, just as the Bible says, were like "...honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Therapeutic. Serenity. Comforting. Healing.

May we always speak kindness to one another and give willingly from the heart, just as God has done for us with His Son.

May you ever be blessed where God meets you.

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